Saturday, 24 March 2012



Today if we speak of Social network then what reminds us is Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. It has become a kind of craze in youngsters as well as middle ages. It has become a source of contact, information and knowledge from a particular individual to another. Social network Marketing involves attracting more traffic of the people using the social sites. It is the most inexpensive way of marketing. Many companies now use social sites for marketing rather than the traditional way of implementing 2-3 people for door to door visits. Face book is the site where the companies can post their article or product information. This information can be shared, interested candidates can post comments. Facebook gives the freedom to use the information again and again. The information can also be edited and posted again in case of up gradation.
 In Twitter we can re-twit the posts and information. Through this the product info of the company is shared with many from a single person. The company can explain the nature of their product by text messages, videos, photos, links etc. Social network marketing is free source marketing. The re-posts and the shares make the readers focus for a number of times on the matter. This increases the chances for that product promotion. Testimonials are also helpful to some extent. Public unknown to the product can become known through these social sites. The product of any company if liked by the public they can write in testimonials saying something about that product. That automatically leads to marketing of the product. A Pictorial marketing on social sites is very helpful to gain attraction of the readers. 
Adding a post or sharing is a part that can be done through internet but other than these cell phones also helps a lot in indirect way. Friends can see a post of any company product on social sites and can share it with his friends on cell phones. A Company can join hands with another Company through social sites. These are the easily accessible sites for business purpose also. A Company can also get its grievances or negative points through this way of marketing. Accordingly the company can analyze what actually public requires and adjust accordingly.

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